The audit log feature requires an existing external database in which to store the vault event information. By default, the Meridian FDA Module does not create this database automatically. The database must be created by a database administrator. Scripts for SQL Server and Oracle are installed by the Meridian Enterprise setup program for your convenience that will create the database and the necessary schema. The scripts must be run by a user with sufficient rights to perform the actions in the scripts.
Warning If the subscription database already exists, the scripts will delete it first and then recreate it.
To create an audit log database in SQL Server:
C:\Program Files\BC-Meridian\Program\BC Audit\BCAuditTrailDB.sql
If the database server is running SQL Server Express, SQL Server Small Business, or another edition that creates a default named instance when the software is installed, specify the name of the database server and the SQL Server instance name together, for example, <ServerName>\SQLEXPRESS or <ServerName>\MSSMLBIZ.
sqlcmd -S <ServerName> -E -i BCAuditTrailDB.sql -v DatabaseName = "<AuditDatabaseName>"
Or to use different credentials than your own:
sqlcmd -S <ServerName> -U <UserName> -P <Password> -i BCAuditTrailDB.sql -v DatabaseName = "<AuditDatabaseName>"
To create an audit log database in Oracle:
C:\Program Files\BC-Meridian\Program\BC Audit
run @ORACreateTables.sql
Related concepts
Related tasks
Configuring the audit log connection
Localizing the audit log database
Installing the audit log viewer
Related information